The aim of Martial Arts training is to develop a complete person. So all three aspects of 'mind', 'technique' and 'body' should be trained,and more importantly, trained together. As you progress, all three aspects should develop in harmony.

To accquire the correct techniques in karate requires:-
- flexibility
- a certain amount of strength , especially in the legs and hips
- a good level of endurance
- the ability to relax muscles as well as to tighten them;
- co-ordination
- a sense of balance
- internal feeling, etc

On the other hand, karate practice itself develops these qualities. Also, certain supplimentary are designed to help develop the flexibility and strength needed. To acquire the correct techniques also requires total concentration, paying attention to every detail, no matter how small.This concentration, a positive attitude ( SEN ) and soog etiquette ( REI ) are all good training for the mind and help build character. 'MOKUSO' ( meditation ) is an ideal supplementary exercise to calm the mind and increase the level of concentration.

The integation of these three aspects in training is the unique beauty of Martial Arts practice. To derive the full benefits of Martial Arts, you should choose TISKO where correct etiquette is maintained and where proper attention is paid to technical detail as well as having a nice friendly atmosphere.